2/15/2025 - Belasco - Los Angeles, California.
📸 by @itschrismounts
Orchid: The Doom Loop World Tour 2025
Regional Justice Center aka RJC opened the show with no hesitation. Quickly ripping through the song in their catalog with very little (see also: none) stage banter. Raw aggression and tight guitar work made this set a sight to watch.
Bastard Noise took a literal approach to the 'wall of noise' while the other bands only did it figuratively. 30 minutes of an immense amount of noise with vocals & guest vocals from someone I was unfamiliar with. There were no less than 100 cords on his setup table and at least 25 different pedals / electrical gadgets. While I would have been overwhelmed and lost trying to navigate the table, there was this sense of calculated rage.
Jerome's Dream was next and as someone who's seen them not only somewhat recently but also a VERY long time ago, I can confidently say that they have NEVER sounded better, tighter, or more in sync. Atmospheric and crushing, fast without being sloppy, and just incredible to witness.
Orchid took the stage and got right to it. The crowd followed suit. Stage dives, stage falls, and several moments where every single hand in the place was in the air. Singer Jayson Green mentioned that he was sick, but it wasn't apparent in the way he moved or the way he sang. I think if someone was seeing / hearing Orchid for the first time at this show and you told them they had taken a 22 year sabbatical, they'd think you were lying. Hard to believe a band could play 28 songs (including BOTH parts of Amherst Pandemonium) and you'd still walk away wanting more. Orchid Forever