

1/31/2025 - House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, California.

📸 by @itschrismountsx

Silverstein's '25 Years of Noise' tour

Split Chain from Bristol, UK opened the show with some hard-hitting, grunge-esque songs.

Although the crowd seemed unfamiliar with the band, they did an incredible job of holding attention.

Arms Length from Ontario, Canada took to the stage next and sounded absolutely huge for a younger band.

3 guitars made the room sound full, while the singer was able to perfectly hold his notes and harmonize with his guitarists.

They played a new song and alluded to a new record coming out soon.

Thursday started their set with an old song from 'A City by the Light Divided' and broke into a full out assault of not only old classics, but a new song that they've released independently for the first time.

They had a bit of a 'supergroup' vibe going on with Wade from Alexisonfire playing guitar and Jeff from Small Brown Bike / Casket Lottery playing drums while Tucker was off doing LS Dunes things.

Silverstein showed a really cool mini-documentary of their 25 years as a band before kicking off their set.

An incredible mix of old (like really old) songs and new songs.

Lights came out to do a guest spot on 'The End' and they even broke out the acoustic guitar for a soft rendition of 'My Heroine' as the encore.

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